I facilitate a safe space for you to explore and inquire into your own experience via the tools of the Yoga Practice. We can practice in your home, at a studio space in Kemptown or via Zoom - whatever works best.

My intention is to help you create a space for yourself to grow, listen and observe from a place of non-judgemental acceptance. Within the Yoga Practice, we can gain many skills far beyond just posture.

We are all unique and as such my offerings when working in small groups or one-to-one, reflect this. I love working with people on postural goals, creating moe stability and strength (especially for hyper-mobile or very flexible folks). Integration of breath and nervous system support are also hugely important tools to work with and in my opinion these two are the most important skills we can hone as tonic to the modern, western lifestyle.

Our sessions together may include techniques such as:

  • Yogāsana (yoga postures)

  • Intuitive movement

  • Pranayama

  • Meditation

  • Yoga Nidra

  • Hands on assists

“ I have been practising with Jas for 2 years and recently experienced a one to one class: her anatomy knowledge moved my yoga practice to a whole new level. She is made out of love, and she exudes that energy in everything she does and gives to the universe. ”


Pricing per hour ranges from £50 - £60 depending on needs, location + regularity. Longer sessions for a higher price are available on request and online sessions are available too. Block discounts are available.

I can help your team implement greater Well-being through a regular at work Practice whether that be before the day begins, as part of the lunch break or as a way to wind down after the working day.

Why might yoga and meditation in the workplace be of benefit?

  • Alleviates stress

  • Increases mindfulness in the workplace

  • Gives staff the space to build relationships and morale

  • Gives a mental and physical boost to start the work day, prepare for the working afternoon or wind down after work.

  • Cultivates strength and mobility - a great tonic if you’re hunched over a desk day in and out.

Pricing per starts at £50. Online sessions are also available.

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Yoga + Mediation in the Workplace


Yoga + Mediation in the Workplace 〰️